
教育 Will Innovate: Addressing Postsecondary Challenges in 劳动力 Development



爱博体育手机版下载劳动力市场的十大趋势: Part Four

The supply and demand of employer needs and workforce availability is an ever-shifting dynamic, 被捆绑在一起,但各自受到不同因素的影响. Like many communities nationwide, 爱博体育手机版下载 faces a shortage of workers for existing jobs. 许多因素导致了这种情况, 但有意义, 高等教育实体之间的合作伙伴关系, government institutions and industry offer the potential to reimagine programming and education models to resolve the talent shortage. 这个教育挑战是一个讨论点 实时的人才 报告题为 爱博体育手机版下载劳动力市场的十大趋势.


从历史上看,明尼苏达州已经展示了一个 低失业率 和其他州相比. 2022年,明尼阿波利斯/圣保罗大都会区排名第一 在53个最大的都市区中排名第三 全国的低失业率. 然而,尽管明尼苏达州拥有全国之一的 最高的劳动力参与率 而且被评为 最适合经商的州, 明尼苏达州也有严重的人才短缺问题. 许多雇主找不到足够的工人来填补他们的职位空缺, 这个事实说明了, 截至2023年9月, 明尼苏达州有大约 每100个空缺职位对应51个可招聘的员工.

One leading contributor to the shortage is a lack of workers possessing the skills required for jobs, with an examination of the state’s education system offering a potential explanation. One illustration is that despite a reputation for great high schools with 考试成绩高, in 2022, Minnesota ranked second worst in the nation in racial inequality in state education systems. Data for the study was taken from differences between white and black students in areas such as high school and college degrees, 考试成绩, 毕业率. 

高等教育, 因此, 面临诸多挑战, from disillusionment with the education system and dropping enrollment to shifting industry needs, resulting in a mismatch between skill requirements and those potential workers possess. Proactive measures within the state's education system can help address the talent shortage. 

"The future of postsecondary education in 爱博体育手机版下载 hinges on our ability to innovate and adapt to the changing dynamics of the labor market,艾琳·奥尔森说, 战略研究高级总监与实时人才. “By addressing issues such as dropping enrollment and faculty shortages head-on, 我们可以为建立一个更具复原力和响应能力的教育系统铺平道路."


One of the biggest challenges facing postsecondary education in 爱博体育手机版下载 is dropping enrollment rates and disillusionment with the traditional education system. 也就是说, 改善的迹象正在浮现, with initiatives underway to enhance student support systems and provide more flexible learning options. 

“为学生提供多种选择, 包括形态, 课程, 支持服务, will play a crucial role in re-engaging learners and fostering a culture of lifelong learning,奥尔森补充道。.

此外, the shifting landscape of industry needs drives a paradigm shift in postsecondary education. Occupations requiring various levels of education and training are experiencing varying growth rates. While all employment in 爱博体育手机版下载 is projected to decrease slightly over the next decade, occupations typically requiring postgraduate or bachelor's degrees are expected to remain stable or experience modest growth. In contrast, occupations requiring two-year degrees or certificates may face some contraction.


为了应对这些趋势, 加强教育机构之间的伙伴关系, 行业利益相关者和中等教育系统至关重要. 奥尔森强调, “Closer partnerships with industry and secondary education will enable postsecondary institutions to align program outcomes with industry-recognized credentials and develop verifiable skills that meet the evolving needs of employers.”

除了与工业界建立更紧密的联系之外, creative financial solutions for students are imperative to ensure accessibility and affordability of postsecondary education. 奖学金等措施, tuition assistance programs and income share agreements can help alleviate financial barriers and expand access to education and training opportunities.


展望未来, postsecondary education and career training entities in 爱博体育手机版下载 must embrace flexibility to respond effectively to industry changes and student needs. Olson underscores the importance of meaningful partnerships with government and industry to drive innovation and reimagine education models. “通过与关键利益相关者合作, we can chart a course towards a more dynamic and inclusive education ecosystem that empowers individuals to thrive in the workforce of tomorrow,她总结道.

As 爱博体育手机版下载 prepares to navigate the challenges and opportunities on the horizon, a spirit of innovation and collaboration is essential to shaping brighter futures for postsecondary education and workforce development in the region. 通过战略规划, 积极主动的倡议和可持续的伙伴关系, 爱博体育手机版下载 is poised to lead the way in educational innovation and workforce readiness.

爱博体育手机版下载劳动力市场的十大趋势 是一个指南针, guiding 爱博体育手机版下载 through the complexities of a transforming workforce. The trends identified pave the way for a resilient, innovative and inclusive future. 每种趋势都将在2024年深入探讨, 为未来几年爱博体育手机版下载的劳动力制定路线.

